Costume Contest Prizes assembled and ready to go!

10712749_709774722441080_5550944907698222324_n The prize baskets for the winners and runner ups for the costume contest have been assembled.  And to simply put it, they are “SUPER“!  Collectible Figures, Gift Certificates for Photo Shoot, Hotel Stay, & DJ Services, Buttons, Posters, Rings, Comics, Graphic Novels, Collected Editions, Games, Backpacks, and more all included in one or more of the baskets!  These are no small  pickings!  Prizes packages literally add up to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars in value.

 And of course the coveted awards themselves to the winning participants!

Hope you see you at the convention & in costume!

Photo credit: Reality Reimagined with members of the Iowa Comic Book Club & Iowa Cosplay